Our bad economy continues to add more animal victims. Every day my phone rings and email box fills with cries for help from people who cannot afford to feed their animals anymore or who want to report animals they have seen that are hurt, starving or abused. It's heartbreaking when I have to turn so many people away because my place is full to capacity. I am hoping that the 4 minis rescued right before the big storm hit in December will be placed soon so their stalls will open up for more animals in need.
My 501 c 3 has finally been filed with the State of Oregon the name of my rescue is H.A.R.T. (Horse/Animal Rescue Team) so starting with 2009 all donations of supplies, professional services and money are tax deductible. Cash donations received are used to pay medical bills and to provide feed and needed medicine for the rescued horses. In lieu of sending any money to me, I actually prefer that money be sent directly to Carlton Vet Services on behalf of HART. The vet will let me know when money comes in and I can provide donors with a receipt for tax purposes. The reason for this is you can be assured that 100% of your donation will be used for the medical care of the rescued horses. Carlton Vet also provides a discount to HART for their services on rescue animals and I really want to thank them for that! If you would rather donate supplies, we can always use Equine Senior (often abandoned horses are older horses), other grain, Beat Pulp, Alfalfa Pellets, Stall Pellets, Hay Cubes, wormer, and joint supplements. Additionally, I accept donations of any horse related items, what cannot be directly used for the rescued horses is sold and the funds are used to purchase feed and supplies. All items and money donated will now be tax deductible.
We finally finished one of our animal cruelty cases in Yamhill County. I have been caring for the horses since last May and just as soon as I get the paperwork from the Sheriff's Office I can put them here on my blog for all to see. One of the horses already has a family that is adopting her and I am hoping to find a good home for the other one soon. She is one of my favorite horses here so I'll be pretty picky as to where she goes. Well......I'm actually pretty picky about where all of my rescue horses go but this one IS special to me.
Here is a sneak preview of the two girls

I opened up some more space out in the old barn so I could foster some pot bellied pigs and a duck for the Humane Society. I had my doubts about taking in pigs but they are sure a lot easier to take care of then the horses! The duck is so cute, he is best friends with one of the pigs and the two are inseparable. When the pig lies down to sleep, the duck crawls up on his back and sleeps with him. He also preens his little pig friends keeping them presentable for visitors. Because there is an open case on these guys I cannot feature photos of them on my blogs, sorry. You can come and visit them, just give me a call and I’m happy to make some time for you.
I continue to enjoy getting updates from all of the adoptive homes about the horses that I have placed with them. Please, keep the emails, phone calls and a picture coming it’s really nice to see how happy and healthy all of the horses that I have worked so hard to save are.
If you would like more information on becoming a Livestock or Small Animal Foster Home for the Humane Society, please call Lisa Coleman at 503-285-7722. She will send you the paperwork and arrange for a site visit. I highly recommend signing up.