Snoot came to us along with Big Mare and Red Bone in May of 2008. She was thin, covered in lice and fleas and full of worms. Although she had been in the same pasture with Big Mare and Red Bone, she wasn't nearly as thin as they were as she was at the top of the pecking order.
Snoot is a nice little mare with a lot of personality who really lives up to her name. She is well started in her training and we are currently riding her every day to further her education and make her into a nice open show and trail riding horse.
UPDATE - March 8, 2009
This little mare is really turning out to be a great horse. The family that adopted her has been keeping her here so I can help them with her training. I've been riding her some myself too and she really is a smart horse. We've been working on a lot of arena work and just recently we've taken her out on some trail rides and she did AWSOME! She even crossed the river and when over a couple of bridges without even batting an eye.
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