Tornado is a 2-3 year old black stallion. He is painfully thin and will require a lot of good food and loving care to get up to a healthy weight. Tornado is very shy so he will have to be handled with loving care so he can begin trusting humans.
Tornado hasn't been eating well and really didn't look right so I had a vet out to look at him today. She said he needs to have some serious dental work done and soon so I'm hoping that there will be some money in our account for the Mini Rescue at Carlton Vet so we can get that done soon.
Tornado is doing so much better! Just take a look at this photo and you can see for yourself that he is already gaining weight and just looks so much happier.

Oh my! He is so thin that he looks like a score of "1" in the mini world. Kudos to you for taking them.
This guy especially touches my heart.
I'm sending healing thoughts and prayers!
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