I haven't ridden him yet as I'm waiting for the case to be closed and castration but he is definitely a very personable horse from the ground. It's easy to forget that he is a stallion because he is so gentle. Studly thoroughly enjoys being brushed and loved on and is not shy about showing his appreciation for the attention.
Here is an updated photo of Amber.

Amber has been returned to HART because her adoptive owner reported she had food aggression issues with the goats that she was pastured with. I now have her out with permanent HART resident Gigi and the two mini donkeys Charles and Franchesca and they are getting along great. I have decided that Amber is going to be a permanent resident of HART so I have plenty of teeny minis for the children to love on when they vistit.
I received a phone call update on Lightening the other day. His family reported that he is doing AWSOME and they absolutely love him. They are looking forward to training him to be ridden next year.
The family that adopted Big Marehave reported that she is absolutely perfect and they love her dearly. She was such an awsome horse that it was really hard for me to let her go but I just can't keep them all.
Snoot still lives here at HART as a boarder. Her owner is curently training her for OHSET and had been doing some trail riding. She has turned out to be a nice horse.