The Canby Tack Sale was another huge success for HART. We sold over $1200.00 worth of tack and visited with several old friends and made a lot of new friends and contacts. My booth was so busy for the entire sale that I never got to unfold my chair to sit down, not even for a second. Thank you very much Sarah for being there all day to help me sell tack, educate people on HART Rescue and hand out business cards.
I had some picture story boards at the sale and they were a big attraction for many people. I only wish that I had more time to visit with the people and their children as they looked at the photos and read their stories. Thank you so much Debbie for coming down a couple of hours to help out with that part, I really appreciated it.
We also made some space for our newly formed Sound Equine Options group to set up an educational story board to introduce ourselves to the public and let them know about our upcoming low cost euthanasia clinics and future plans for a hay bank and horse rescue registration and accountability program.
The best part of the entire sale was the amazing amount of people that approached us as the sale was ending and donated their unwanted horse tack items or asked what they could do to help out in the future. The generosity and genuine caring and appreciation of what I do from everyone were almost overwhelming. I would head out to the trailer to load up my leftover tack and when I returned to my booth there would be a large box of miscellaneous items on my table that someone had dropped off. I want to make sure that everyone knows that any and all donations no matter how big or small is always greatly appreciated and even if I can only sell an item for one or two dollars, it still makes a difference. Everything will be washed, cleaned, repaired, oiled and salvaged in the best way possible to raise funds for the rescue.
Please remember that although donations are greatly appreciated, I do also buy tack for resale so if you have items leftover from the sale that you would like to sell, please email or call me and if I can, I will buy everything you have to resell.
My only regret of the sale is that I didn’t have a camera to take a photo of the booth but I’m afraid that even if I did have my camera there, I would never have had the time to take a picture! So, here for your enjoyment is a photo of my grandson Riley leading his miniature horse Gigi out of the barn so they can go for a ride.