HART received six new miniature horses from a private party in Grants Pass. If you are interested in adopting one or more of these adorable little fur balls please let me know!
Lilapp (pronounced Lap) was a stallion upon arrival at HART Rescue but we all know how I feel about stallions in my barn! He has already been castrated and is recovering quite well. Lilapp was very shy when he got here, would strongly avoid contact and shake with fear when caught. I have been spending a lot of one on one time with the little bugger and he is warming up to people very quickly. My niece is had decided to make Lilapp her senior project. I believe her goal is to train him for in hand trail, in hand jumping, showman and halter, he will then be a very nice, adoptable little guy.
Little black pony with clubbed foot. This sweet little FURBALL is a kind, gentle gal. She has a clubbed foot that needs extra trimming to keep in check and severe locking stifles so if she runs around too much she will drag her hind leg for a little while. This is not a painful condition and does not in any way inhibit her quality of life.
Little Huggy Bear Pony
Huggy Bear has the same sweet personality of the Club Foot pony, she just needs someone to help her out with all that HAIR!!!!
Little Red One
Yeah I know, I'm terrible at coming up with creative names, with time I'm sure I'll come up with something better. Red is VERY SHY and needs a lot of one on one attention. She is sweet and willing so I'm sure it wouldn't take much to bring her around. Yes, I know she is dirty, I took this photo before she received her "welcome to HART" brushing.
Mom and Baby
Mom is a little more refined than the other two black minis, of course since there was an adorable baby in the stall with her to capture all of my attention I didn't get very good photograph of her, sorry about that! Anyway, Mom is very friendly and gentle, she will make a nice mini for anyone. Baby is VERY SHY and had very little handling before arriving at HART. Fortunately, this adorable duo is currently in foster care with a wonderful family that is teaching baby the essentials to be a good little horse.
This blog is dedicated to all of the horses that I work so hard to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome. Thank you for comming in and looking.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
HART Rescue State of the Union
Well winter is finally here and unfortunately the economy is still in the tank. People are struggling to make ends meet and having to make some difficult decisions about their lifestyle choices. Unfortunately, as you all already know this means cutting back expenses and horses are a very expensive luxury.
Sadly, I get phone calls and emails every day from desperate people needing to find homes for their horses that they can no longer care for. This is one of the most difficult parts of being a horse rescue because I simply CANNOT take them all. Most of the time I end up providing council on their options for euthanasia if the horse is old or injured.
I do get some donations that are very much appreciated but people need to remember that even though HART Rescue is a non profit corporation, this is ME here running and funding this organization. There is only so much I can do in a day and only so many horses I can house and care for. Any and all offers of help and donations are WELCOME AND APPRECIATED and I thank you all very much for what you have done for HART Rescue.
This summer we were lucky enough to have two very large hay fields donated to HART. I spend countless hours on my tractors harvesting this hay, in total we put up over 80 tons of hay ~ 40 of that was from the donated fields. If it wasn't for generous donations like this I would NOT be able to rescue as many horses as I do, this is a HUGE savings for HART. One of the donated fields needs to be sprayed for broadleaf this spring, any donations of broadleaf killer would be GREATLY APPRECIATED and will save HART a lot of money. Putting all of this hay in the barn takes a lot of hard work so if you would like to donate some muscle power during the harvest that would also save HART some money, this summer HART payed out over $1000.00 for hay help, diesel and baling twine but we got about $4000.00 worth of hay in the barn for the rescue horses!!!!!!
Raja. He is a 6 year old registered Saddlebred with champion bloodlines. He started out to be a senior project for a nice young lady, and after being sold a time or two ended up in the hands of a selfish person who though her only option for this horse that she could not sell and make a buck on was to take him out into the woods and dump him. Thanks to one VERY BRAVE young lady who recognized the horse, the person that dumped him and his buddy Cherokee got to spend the night in jail and is now facing the consequences of her actions. Raja is a NICE HORSE, there is NOTHING wrong with him other than he ended up in the wrong hands. He is not broke to ride but he is very gentle and I am starting him under saddle as soon as he gets up to a healthy weight. Raja is up for adoption for a $200.00 adoption fee.
Click on this link to see Raja and Cherokee's story and on my blog
Flair is yet another victim of the times. She is a 1 1/2 year old mustang that was left to fend for herself. She had been part of a herd of mustangs owned by an older gentleman who could no longer care for the horses. The herd was taken but somehow she was left behind. Flair was not handled at all when I got her but she is so sweet and friendly that with just a small amount of attention I was able to halter break her, put a blanket on her and pick up her feet. Fair really wants to be someones best friend. She has a hernia that needs to be fixed and her teeth need work. This will all be done this Friday. The estimated cost of her surgery and dental work is $500.00 to $700.00. If you would like to donate towards the cost of her procedures you can send funds to Carlton Vet, c/o HART Rescue, 230 South Pine Street, Carlton OR 97111. After recovery, Flair will be up for adoption for a $200.00 adoption fee.
Click here to see Flairs story and photos on my blog
I'm sure many of you remember Madeline and Giggles from the Rice/Moore case. They were both adopted out but unfortunately, their adoptive family could no longer take care of them so they were returned to HART for re-adoption. They are both sound, healthy and ready to start under saddle. I have been working with both of them, had them both saddled and they are going great.
To see updated photos of these two wonderful mares click here.
I also have some miniature horses available for adoption, just go to my blog at http://lighteningsblog.blogspot.com/ and look under "Up For Adoption" on the right side of the screen.
I have a truckload of new miniature horses coming in the next couple of weeks. Once they arrive I am going to call an "All Hands on Deck" for help. These little guys are going to need to be socialized, vaccinated, wormed, brushed, feet done and evaluated for adoption. This will be an excellent opportunity for the 4-H groups that need to get their community service time in as this is much more fun than cleaning stalls!!! There are two stallions that I know of in this group that will need to be castrated so if you can spare a couple of dollars towards the expense of castration, please send money to Carlton Vet, c/o HART Rescue, 230 South Pine Street, Carlton OR 97111.
There are many ways that you can help out at HART Rescue, remember all donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE
1. Send money to Carlton Vet, c/o HART Rescue, 230 South Pine Street, Carlton OR 97111 to help out with veterinary expenses
2. Come to HART and volunteer your time helping with the horses or cleaning stalls and paddocks.
3. Spread the word to all of your friends and family about the horses that we have up for adoption!
4. Donate and/or sell tack to HART for the fundraising and again, spread the word!
5. Come up and lend a hand during hay season!!
Last spring I started a horse blanket wash and repair service Please contact me to arrange for pick up and delivery of your horse blankets for wash and repair. This is a personal business that I started and not a part of HART Rescue so not tax deductible but if I don't have a personal income it would be impossible for me to keep HART Rescue open!!!!!
Most small repairs run $5.00 - $15.00
Larger repairs are charged by the hour @ $20.00 per hour and include materials.
All Blankets $8.00
Extra dirty blankets add $2.00 for extra wash.
Small items - $8.00 per load.
I use a liquid detergent that is specifically designed for sportswear, it does NOT leave a residue and does NOT damage the fabric, waterproofing or threads.
Everything is line dried.
FREE for large orders!!!
Thank you everyone for your continued support of HART Rescue and I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday season.
Jamie Cheslock
1. Send money to Carlton Vet, c/o HART Rescue, 230 South Pine Street, Carlton OR 97111 to help out with veterinary expenses
2. Come to HART and volunteer your time helping with the horses or cleaning stalls and paddocks.
3. Spread the word to all of your friends and family about the horses that we have up for adoption!
4. Donate and/or sell tack to HART for the fundraising and again, spread the word!
5. Come up and lend a hand during hay season!!
Last spring I started a horse blanket wash and repair service Please contact me to arrange for pick up and delivery of your horse blankets for wash and repair. This is a personal business that I started and not a part of HART Rescue so not tax deductible but if I don't have a personal income it would be impossible for me to keep HART Rescue open!!!!!
Most small repairs run $5.00 - $15.00
Larger repairs are charged by the hour @ $20.00 per hour and include materials.
All Blankets $8.00
Extra dirty blankets add $2.00 for extra wash.
Small items - $8.00 per load.
I use a liquid detergent that is specifically designed for sportswear, it does NOT leave a residue and does NOT damage the fabric, waterproofing or threads.
Everything is line dried.
FREE for large orders!!!
Thank you everyone for your continued support of HART Rescue and I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday season.
Jamie Cheslock
Horse/Animal Rescue Team (HART)
Horse/Animal Rescue Team (HART)
Madeline and Giggles are back and need new homes
These two wonderful mustang/quarter horse mares were adopted but their owners could no longer take care of them so they were returned to HART to find new homes. They came to us in the Rice/Moore case back in the spring of 2009. They are both very sweet and sociable and need to find a new home where they can be loved forever. If they are not adopted out I am going to start them under saddle this winter.
This is Madeline, it is really had to get a good photo of her because as soon as she sees me coming, she comes running for love and attention.
And this is Giggles all grown up, she is a little shy but warms right up to you once she is comfortable.
This is Madeline, it is really had to get a good photo of her because as soon as she sees me coming, she comes running for love and attention.
And this is Giggles all grown up, she is a little shy but warms right up to you once she is comfortable.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Flair was abandoned by his owner, she was being temporarily cared for by a good Samaritan who could not keep her and asked us to take her over. She is a one year old mustang filly who has not been handled very much at all. In spite of her rough beginning and lack of handling, she is a very friendly little girl who wants to be your friend. Within a few hours of having her here at HART I was able to get a halter on her and convince her that following me around would be a fun game that is rewarded with yummy treats.
Flair has a hernia that needs to be surgically repaired, we are working on funding for the surgery and will have it done as soon as possible. If you would like to help with the cost of her surgery, please send your donations to Carlton Veterinary Hospital c/o HART Rescue.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Two Horses Found Loose off Turner Creek Road
Update: Raja (formerly known as Red) is a 6 year old registered Saddlebred with champion bloodlines. He started out to be a senior project for a nice young lady, and after being sold a time or two ended up in the hands of a selfish person who though her only option for this horse that she could not sell and make a buck on was to take him out into the woods and dump him. Thanks to one VERY BRAVE young lady who recognized the horse, the person that dumped him and his buddy Cherokee got to spend the night in jail and is now facing the consequences of her actions. Raja is a NICE HORSE, there is NOTHING wrong with him other than he ended up in the wrong hands. He is not broke to ride but he is very gentle and I am starting him under saddle as soon as he gets up to a healthy weight. Raja is up for adoption for a $200.00 adoption fee.
These two horses were found wandering loose 3 weeks ago outside of Yamhill, Oregon above Pike Road. They are both pretty thin and have long feet but appear to be otherwise healthy and gentle. After the Oregon Statute required 4 week period they will be available for adoption.
I am guessing that they are both broke to ride as they both have white hair scars from poor fitting saddles and cinch galls. Before they are adopted I will of course check them both out in the arena and out on the trail so I can give some sort of idea as to their training.
This is a nice tall horse I'm guessing 15.2 hands, his head and croup shape hint around that he might have some pleasure type breeding in him. He always carries his tail up and off to the side so before adoption he will be check out by the vet to make sure he doesn't have a back or hip injury that will prevent him from being sound. He is a sweet, friendly horse and gets pushed around a bit by the bay. He cribbed when he was in the arena but since I have moved him into an outside pen I have not seen him crib.

This guy has a petite build, I'm guess he is a quarter horse/arab mix maybe and about 14.2 hands. He bosses the other horse around at feeding time but since they have been here with regular feedings for three weeks that has subsided quite a bit.

These two horses were found wandering loose 3 weeks ago outside of Yamhill, Oregon above Pike Road. They are both pretty thin and have long feet but appear to be otherwise healthy and gentle. After the Oregon Statute required 4 week period they will be available for adoption.
These two horses were found wandering loose 3 weeks ago outside of Yamhill, Oregon above Pike Road. They are both pretty thin and have long feet but appear to be otherwise healthy and gentle. After the Oregon Statute required 4 week period they will be available for adoption.
I am guessing that they are both broke to ride as they both have white hair scars from poor fitting saddles and cinch galls. Before they are adopted I will of course check them both out in the arena and out on the trail so I can give some sort of idea as to their training.
This is a nice tall horse I'm guessing 15.2 hands, his head and croup shape hint around that he might have some pleasure type breeding in him. He always carries his tail up and off to the side so before adoption he will be check out by the vet to make sure he doesn't have a back or hip injury that will prevent him from being sound. He is a sweet, friendly horse and gets pushed around a bit by the bay. He cribbed when he was in the arena but since I have moved him into an outside pen I have not seen him crib.

This guy has a petite build, I'm guess he is a quarter horse/arab mix maybe and about 14.2 hands. He bosses the other horse around at feeding time but since they have been here with regular feedings for three weeks that has subsided quite a bit.

These two horses were found wandering loose 3 weeks ago outside of Yamhill, Oregon above Pike Road. They are both pretty thin and have long feet but appear to be otherwise healthy and gentle. After the Oregon Statute required 4 week period they will be available for adoption.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
HART Rescue Goes Through the Yamhill Parade
Every once in awhile we have some spare time to do something fun. We decided to take a few miniature horses through our local small town parade. We handed out candy and coloring books, everyone had a great time.
Here is Kelcey and Sadie carrying the banner. Kelcey adopted Snoot two years ago, she still keeps her at HART.
Here is my grandson Riley and I handing out treats and coloring books.
And here is my step daughter Martine leading Gigi. We took 3 gentle minis so the kids could pet them all throughout the parade. They were a big hit.
This was so fun that we are thinking of doing it again next year with HART T-shirts and lots more minis for petting.
Here is Kelcey and Sadie carrying the banner. Kelcey adopted Snoot two years ago, she still keeps her at HART.
Here is my grandson Riley and I handing out treats and coloring books.
And here is my step daughter Martine leading Gigi. We took 3 gentle minis so the kids could pet them all throughout the parade. They were a big hit.
This was so fun that we are thinking of doing it again next year with HART T-shirts and lots more minis for petting.
This is Sarah and Centurian. This horse was donated to HART early this spring, Sarah fell immediately in love with him and adopted him. She spent a lot of time rehabilitating Centurian and trying to regain his trust. It took her a long time and true dedication to build his trust and courage back up and just look at the rewards that she is now reaping with him. He is healthy and happy and they both look wonderful! These photos are take at the Country Classic by Portland Oregon Photographer - Wedding, Commercial, Editorial, Corporate - Mitchelldyer Photography

Thursday, February 18, 2010
Studly is ready to move in with his new adoptive family
This is one of those 'warm and fuzzy' happy endings for a horse that we rescued. Studly had been a herd sire and was your typical stallion with their lovely stallion intentions. After a full year of rehabilitation, court dates and waiting we finally got the forfeiture hearing and legal ownership of him and his pasture mates. Immediately, his castration was scheduled and went very well. After he was giving a chance to heal up and get some of the testosterone out of his system, we started introducing him to other horses in an effort to socialize him, that went very well and he now has a pasture mate that he gets along with great. Then, we started riding him and that is also going very very well. Today, he gets some dental work done and soon his new owner will pick him up and take him home. I like to call this the 'full meal deal', rescue, rehab, castrate, socialize, ride, health and dental check ADOPTION.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Pokey is Ready for Adoption!
Pokey is a really nice little two year old gelding that needs to find a new home. He was rescued from a terrible situation and held here at HART as evidence for nearly a YEAR before all of the horses from that case were forfeited. When he arrived at HART he was a body scale 1 ½ on the Heineke body scoring chart as a one year old so he’s had a pretty rough start in life.
He is now completely recovered, castrated and ready to move on to a new home where he will be loved and trained. Because of his age and rough start, I highly recommend that he not be started under saddle for at least another year.
Pokey being only 2 years old is still rather small in stature, I’m guessing he is 14 hands high. His mother (also seized in the same case) was a huge, muscular mare with a wonderful personality, she stood roughly 15 hands. His sire (also seized in the same case and now castrated) is just over 14 hands and is also an awesome, smooth gaited wonderful horse. Even as an aged stallion as a herd sire, he never gave me any reason to be concerned for my safety.
Pokey is halter broke, gets right in the horse trailer, stands tied, is good with his feet and absolutely LOVES attention, he is always the first one at the gate. We have been working on his ground manners and teaching him to be a civilized young horse. He is very smart and a quick learner. He doesn’t mind being left alone and will often times isolate himself from the other horses although he LOVES to roughhouse and play (nearly non stop) with my mule.
This is Pokey fully recovered and ready to go to a new home.

This is his dam, he is the spitting image of her, I'm you all remember Tease.

Here is the sire Studly, he is an awesome horse
He is now completely recovered, castrated and ready to move on to a new home where he will be loved and trained. Because of his age and rough start, I highly recommend that he not be started under saddle for at least another year.
Pokey being only 2 years old is still rather small in stature, I’m guessing he is 14 hands high. His mother (also seized in the same case) was a huge, muscular mare with a wonderful personality, she stood roughly 15 hands. His sire (also seized in the same case and now castrated) is just over 14 hands and is also an awesome, smooth gaited wonderful horse. Even as an aged stallion as a herd sire, he never gave me any reason to be concerned for my safety.
Pokey is halter broke, gets right in the horse trailer, stands tied, is good with his feet and absolutely LOVES attention, he is always the first one at the gate. We have been working on his ground manners and teaching him to be a civilized young horse. He is very smart and a quick learner. He doesn’t mind being left alone and will often times isolate himself from the other horses although he LOVES to roughhouse and play (nearly non stop) with my mule.
This is Pokey fully recovered and ready to go to a new home.

This is his dam, he is the spitting image of her, I'm you all remember Tease.

Here is the sire Studly, he is an awesome horse

Friday, January 15, 2010
I Have Added A New Tack For Sale Section to the Blog
Make sure you check out my new Tack For Sale Section on the right hand side of the blog page. I have added a few saddles and will continue to add some of my more choice tack items. I always have a very large selection of bridles, reins, bits, saddle pads, horse blankets etc for sale at low prices.
This is how I raise funds for the rescue so please, if you have anything that you need ask me, I probably have it!
This is how I raise funds for the rescue so please, if you have anything that you need ask me, I probably have it!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
This one ended up with a very happy ending!
The owner of this sweet young gelding had fallen into hard times and us no longer able to take proper care of him. He was doing everything he was financially able to keep the poor horse but it just wasn't enough. A concerned citizen called the Sheriff's Office about the horse's circumstances, we followed through with a site investigation and interview with the owner of the horse. The poor owner admitted that what he was feeding the horse wasn't enough but it was all he was able to do. He had tried to sell him with no luck. We could tell that he felt terrible about the situation and wanted to do what was right for the horse so we simply asked him to forfeit ownership and allow the horse to be placed in a better home.
Fortunately for this horse, we were brought in BEFORE things got terrible. Yes, he is malnurished but he is far from DEAD and will have a complete recovery. He has already been placed in a WONDERFUL home in fact the person that called the Sheriff's Office offered to take care of the horse and that is who ended up with him. They have named him Chance because now he has a second chance at life.
This is an excellent example of a BAD situation turned GOOD, this is the way I like them to turn out.
Fortunately for this horse, we were brought in BEFORE things got terrible. Yes, he is malnurished but he is far from DEAD and will have a complete recovery. He has already been placed in a WONDERFUL home in fact the person that called the Sheriff's Office offered to take care of the horse and that is who ended up with him. They have named him Chance because now he has a second chance at life.
This is an excellent example of a BAD situation turned GOOD, this is the way I like them to turn out.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
If you starve a horse to death, you WILL go to jail.
If I have anything to do with it that is.
I apologize for the graphic nature of the photo that is in this entry but I think it is very important for people to see just exactly what I deal with here at HART Rescue. This poor horse had been laying out in a field for several hours slowly dieing of starvation when some good Samaritans called me in to help it. The owner of the horse was unwilling to even acknowledge that the horse was suffering. Long story short, the Sheriff's were called in, the poor horse was put out of it's misery, and the owner ended up warming a bench in the county jail for a few hours until she was bailed out.
Let this be a lesson to all of the low life loosers out there, if your horse looks like this, you WILL go to jail.
I apologize for the graphic nature of the photo that is in this entry but I think it is very important for people to see just exactly what I deal with here at HART Rescue. This poor horse had been laying out in a field for several hours slowly dieing of starvation when some good Samaritans called me in to help it. The owner of the horse was unwilling to even acknowledge that the horse was suffering. Long story short, the Sheriff's were called in, the poor horse was put out of it's misery, and the owner ended up warming a bench in the county jail for a few hours until she was bailed out.
Let this be a lesson to all of the low life loosers out there, if your horse looks like this, you WILL go to jail.
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I am not afraid of death and I am not selfish therefor no animal shall suffer at the hands of my weaknesses.